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Everything in this universe is made of atoms!
Qx acts on everything made of atoms...



The foundations of the work of 

quantum therapy practitioner:

  1. attention,

  2. listening,

  3. the simplicity.

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1/ Technological :

access all the technical skills essential to the use of a Quex-S or Quex-ED bioresonance device as well as Omnis, their interface. 


2/ Quantum coaching :

Propose a "different look at the world", to open the field of vision, connect the senses to the invisible world and create another reality, more adapted to our true identity. 

Modalities:  - either  face- to-face, in small groups

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           - either online via skype

Prerequisites:   accessible to all.


Take your career and expertise  to a whole new level!


At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • to have an overview of the cases with which you will be confronted in your future exercise as a practitioner in quantum therapy;

  • to take charge of the multiplicities of your clientele: analyze their request, use the care programs with precision and efficiency, draw up a session report and develop a personalized therapy plan. 

So that your profession is no longer a job but a passion!

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+33 6 07 76 14 95

4 main street

34360 Prades sur Vernazobre, France

1 rue des jardins 

34360 St Chinian

Anyone suffering from a pathology must be followed by a qualified health professional.


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